
NPE provides its customers with integrated solutions that improve product function all the time. NPE technology is part of our daily life as it is adopted in many products marketed by leading companies.

We, at NPE, believe in challenge.
Everything we do is based on taking up new challenges since they pave the way for innovation and progress in electronics and technology.
NPE is convinced that the future evolution of electronics will improve the quality of everyday life.

“You can’t stop innovation, any more than you can stop the sun from rising”

H&T Group

Head Quarter

Shenzhen H&T Intelligent Control Co. Ltd.

Produces, develops and distributes high-tech electronic boards all over the world
NPE S.r.l.
Zona industriale 6, 32013 Longarone (BL) - Italy
Phone: +39 0437 577 211

Registered Office
Via L. Seitz 47, 31100 Treviso - Italy
Vat number IT 04831590262
Share capital €1.000.000,00
H&T - NPE East Europe Srl
Str. Principală 478, Mădăras 417330, Romania

Produces, develops and distributes electronic boards